Tuesday, February 23, 2016

How Things Can Come Back to "Haunt" You!!

You know the old saying, "Things can come back to haunt you".  Well, what Mel had taught Buttercup came back to me (not him)!!
Buttercup knows how to push a gate open with her nose or use her chest.  I wondered when this might present an issue.  Needless to say, I was the one to find out!!
Mel was sick so I fed the horses for him on this cold rainy morning.  I fed her feed in the trough (so she would be eating on it) and to keep her hay dry, I put it in the shed.  With my hands full of hay, I managed to open the gate just enough for me to go through.  Instead of latching it entirely, I pushed it to, with only a very small amount of opening.  When I came out of the shed.. well, you guessed it!  Buttercup had opened the gate enough to go out of it!  She went to the barn to check on another horse.  (She likes to be able to see the other horses and doesn't like it at all if she can't see them!).  Of course, the halter was not in the barn, it was on a post down the lane from yesterday.  Finally, after getting the halter (in the rain) and driving back (in the rain all of this on the Kawasaki Mule), I put it on her and led her to her pasture.  Of all the days for her to practice opening a gate, this was definitely not the one!!
By the time I arrived back in the garage, I was drenched!
The picture is a little blurry.  Mel took this picture with his "flip phone".  He told me he would take another one if I would put my wet clothes back on.  Cold and wet, I was definitely not interested in doing that for a clear picture!

5 Chickens Instead of 4???

Margaret, Joe and Jerry came to the house so we could go to a ballgame together.  I had put the chickens up knowing it would be after dark when we returned home.  As we were leaving, Margaret said she saw a black chicken.  I went to check and all 4 were in the pen.
The next afternoon when putting the chickens in the pen for the night,  I had 4 chickens in the pen and another was coming toward the pen.  5 chickens????  What has happened?
The only explanation had to be that Friday, a neighbor came to the house to purchase hay.  Could a chicken have been in the back of his truck?
When the neighbor came to get hay the next day, Mel asked him.  Sure enough it was his!  He said the chicken had ridden in the tool box in the back of his truck to  a close neighbor's house.
The case of the extra chicken had been solved!!  Mel paid the neighbor for our new addition.

5 chickens instead of our normal 4!!

Our new chicken 

This  must be an adventuresome girl!!

February Horse Show

Hard to believe it is time for horse show competition again!  

Feeding Buttercup before Mel saddled her

Finishing touches on the saddle

Mel placed, as he called it, "in the middle of the pack". 
Now to practice for the March show!!

Soil for Gardening

Mel brought me a load of dirt for my planting box in the backyard!  
Time to plant onions, radishes, lettuce and spinach.

Now it's time to start planting!!

I will have to watch the chickens now so they will not "scratch" in the fresh dirt!!

The Carpentry Work Begins

The worktable in the garage was moved to the storage building and the pegboards were installed above it.
Time for the ramp to the other building to be built.  Both of us "armed" with a drill, we screwed the boards on the base quickly!!
Moving the worktable

Pegboards installed!
 The pegboards will sure be handy to hang tools on it for easy access!

Measuring for the ramp

Preparing the base

Time to screw on the boards!

The competed project!

The ramp will sure make it nice when driving the lawnmowers into the storage building!  


For my Valentine's Mel bought lumber for a ramp to the storage building with the lawnmowers and pegboard for above my work table in the other building.  I was so proud of it!
Chili's was where we ate.
My pegboards

Lumber for the ramp

Mel paying

While waiting for our meal at Chili's, Mel was drawing a sketch of the ramp.

The sketch

We decided how we want to do it!!

What a great Valentine's!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Storage Buildings

3 storage buildings were bought so we could move lawnmowers out of the garage and barn as well as to move my holiday totes from the Annex,

Very interesting on how they move the buildings once they are unloaded!

Behind the house

The building at the barn

Leveling the building

All done!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Mel Practicing for February's Horse Show

Dragging an object

Going around barrels


Opening a gate with her head

A smart and beautiful mare!!

Spoiled Horses

Our spoiled horses enjoying the front yard - this is what we saw when we drove in from church.

After we came in the house, Buttercup was on the patio looking in at us and checking to see if I had any edible plants for her on the patio.