Tuesday, February 23, 2016

5 Chickens Instead of 4???

Margaret, Joe and Jerry came to the house so we could go to a ballgame together.  I had put the chickens up knowing it would be after dark when we returned home.  As we were leaving, Margaret said she saw a black chicken.  I went to check and all 4 were in the pen.
The next afternoon when putting the chickens in the pen for the night,  I had 4 chickens in the pen and another was coming toward the pen.  5 chickens????  What has happened?
The only explanation had to be that Friday, a neighbor came to the house to purchase hay.  Could a chicken have been in the back of his truck?
When the neighbor came to get hay the next day, Mel asked him.  Sure enough it was his!  He said the chicken had ridden in the tool box in the back of his truck to  a close neighbor's house.
The case of the extra chicken had been solved!!  Mel paid the neighbor for our new addition.

5 chickens instead of our normal 4!!

Our new chicken 

This  must be an adventuresome girl!!

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