Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fantasy Baseball

Mel decided he would do a Fantasy Baseball team.  CBS Fantasy was the site he used.  A team was automatically given to him on this try.  This was the learning phase of how to do it.  Now he is working on his own team on ESPN Fantasy  After allotted a fantasy amount of cash,  he drafts different players for the best possible price for his team, Surrey Hills Farm Team.  We'll see how this baseball manager picks players!

One of the websites for Fantasy Baseball

            Mel using information printed off to help him in his selection of players

                    A list of the top 100 players                        
Good luck, baseball manager!!

Famous Quotes

There have been some "famous quotes" from some family members.  Here are 3 of them:
Jett & I had gone to get the mail.  Rosebud and Trinket were lying flat on their sides.  Jett wondered if they were okay.  I told him they were.  When we went into the house, Jett told Grandpop,  " I hate to tell you this but!"   He finished this attention getting phrase with, "Rosebud and Trinket are sleeping!"

When talking to McKaylea on the phone, she will ask to talk to Grandpop, who is usually at the barn when we talk.  Now she just automatically says, "Let me guess, Grandpop is at the barn!" 

Mel has been working on his Fantasy Baseball team.  He has learned to navigate around the different aspects of websites and controls.    At the beginning he would  get my attention when he said, "Now....".    I knew he was having difficulty or there was something wrong.  Now he is a "pro".

I'm sure I'll add more "famous quotes" as time goes along.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Macaroni & Cheese

One evening Amberlea and I watched Paula Deen making macaroni & cheese.  It was decided that her recipe sounded good and we would try it the next day.  An easy recipe for the crock pot and, of course being her recipe, it was YUMMY!  We invited Grammy to join us to try it and she agreed it was very good!
The recipe is as follows:
2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese
1/2 stick butter
Melt together then place in crock pot.

Mix together then add to the crock pot:
1 can cheddar cheese soup
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 tsp. ground mustard
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. black pepper

2 cups cooked elbow macaroni

Mix together in crock.  Cook on low for 2 1/2  hours.  Top with more sharp cheddar cheese and cook 30 minutes more or until cheese is melted.  ENJOY!

As you can see by the pictures everyone did enjoy!!

Amberlea melting the butter and cheese together

Amberlea was taking a picture the same time I was taking a picture.

Spring Break Fun

Amberlea and Jett spent 3 days with us during their spring break.  What fun we had!  Of course, Jett had to show his mom how he could ride the horse and by the end of their visit, he could hold the reins himself while Grandpop walked beside Trinket.  How proud Jett was of himself!  Feeding the horses, getting a haircut at an "old fashioned" barbershop, dressing as an "authentic" cowboy, visiting Sipokni West, (the old western town movie set),  playing with bubbles, making and eating Paula Deen's macaroni & cheese recipe and visiting the Architectural Salvage were just a few of the fun things we enjoyed.

The "old fashion" barber shop

The "authentic" cowboy in  his new shirt, jeans and belt

The cowboy says, "Howdy!"                                                   

The Oklahoma wind and a cowboy hat                                                 

                                                               Playing with  Bubbles

Sipokni West, an old west movie set at Reagan, Oklahoma is a unique place to visit.  Our cowboy had a wonderful time exploring the 15 buildings and we all enjoyed our lunch.  The "special of the day "was the hamburger basket.  Delicious!!  Talk about an old fashion hamburger-  it was one to truly savor.  Grammy has been there 3 times and she said she is ready to go again.  We can't wait to show it to, as Jett calls them, the cousins from Kansas!

Jett and Grammy at the entrance of Sipokni West

The General Store

The Schoolhouse

The Saloon also known as the Cowboy Cafe where daily specials are featured

Mel waiting for lunch time!

Wanda, our waitress

 While we waited for our food, our cowboy demostrated how a cowboy sleeps

Some unusual names on the headstones in the cemetery like Gingersnap, Fred and Willie

It's always interesting to see what is at the Architectural Salvage place

Time spent together is priceless!!

Finally, Asparagus!

After waiting 3 years (that's how long it took for our asparagus to be ready to harvest) Mel & I enjoyed asparagus from our garden.  Maybe because of the long wait or because it came from our garden or  because it was the first vegetable we have eaten this spring from our garden (probably all 3 reasons) the asparagus was delicious!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Grammy's 84th Birthday

We celebrated Grammy's 84th birthday with grilled hamburgers, baked beans, chips and almond joy cake.  With family and her friend, Addy, Grammy said she had a "Happy Birthday!"

A Fun Week-end with Jett

Jett spent 5 days on the farm with us.  He enjoyed riding the horse, playing with Dawg, riding the Kawasiki mule, helping to unload hay, exploring the 'junkie ditch", finding bones of creatures, being at the barn, painting, making paper airplanes, singing with Grandpop and the radio in the tractor and eating  as he called them, "The best M&M bars ever!"

Jett helped us move hay.  He even worked the lever to release the hay.  When the hay rolled off the trailer and onto the ground, Jett said that was "AWESOME!"

Bones of a creature on the ground in the junkie ditch

The old school bus in the junkie ditch

Watering Trinket

                                    Making paper airplanes using directions from the book

The artist painting an animal magnet

Jett and Grandpop singing along with the radio in the tractor.  The song, "Don't Call Him a Cowboy" was playing.
Many experiences and memories for a grandson to have while on the farm!