Saturday, March 26, 2011

Famous Quotes

There have been some "famous quotes" from some family members.  Here are 3 of them:
Jett & I had gone to get the mail.  Rosebud and Trinket were lying flat on their sides.  Jett wondered if they were okay.  I told him they were.  When we went into the house, Jett told Grandpop,  " I hate to tell you this but!"   He finished this attention getting phrase with, "Rosebud and Trinket are sleeping!"

When talking to McKaylea on the phone, she will ask to talk to Grandpop, who is usually at the barn when we talk.  Now she just automatically says, "Let me guess, Grandpop is at the barn!" 

Mel has been working on his Fantasy Baseball team.  He has learned to navigate around the different aspects of websites and controls.    At the beginning he would  get my attention when he said, "Now....".    I knew he was having difficulty or there was something wrong.  Now he is a "pro".

I'm sure I'll add more "famous quotes" as time goes along.

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