Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Grammy's New Pressure Tank

This past Monday Grammy  had no water and she was terribly upset.  She imagined  problems with the pump, water well, all kinds of things.  Mel went down and checked to make sure electricity was going to the pump and well.  Sure enough it was so we needed an expert to check what was wrong.  I called Jerry and he was able to stop by and check it.  The pressure tank was the problem.  The "bladder" inside the tank had split.  He said he would get another one and install it.  That afternoon he did.  Mel and I went down to "assist".  It didn't take long for the new one to be installed and Grammy  had water!  How thrilled she was!!

Watch for a later post - Mel was already thinking of what he could do with the old pressure tank -  he is so creative!  Who knows it may be a water feeder for the cats or storage for something.  I am confidant he will make practical use of it.

                             Jerry & Mel with the new pressure tank -  ( Jerry has tape in his mouth)

                                              Jerry sawing the PVC pipe to fit for the well

Mel & Jerry setting the tank in the wellhouse
                                         The old pressure tank - stay tuned for its new purpose

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