Sunday, April 3, 2011

Another Smart Recycling Idea

As I have said before my very creative hubby is very good at coming up with ideas to use what is available (his definition for recycling);  for example, he did the styrofoam coffee center and the hat rack from the old Christmas tree.  This time he used some old carpeting that was given to us to put under our fruit trees that are in the garden.  To make sure they receive enough water, he put a small piece of leftover vinyl fence post through the carpet in the ground for the tree roots.  How creative!!
When we planted our peach and apple trees in the garden we thought we were being very smart.  Somehow we didn't think about tilling the garden and having to watch out for the roots of the trees.  Because of that we would have grass and weeds growing under the trees.  To save on labor of having to "weed" under the trees he thought of this!

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