Sunday, April 3, 2011

Planting Corn

Time to plant corn so Mel & I planted Kandy Korn.   Whenever we plant in the garden we have the "company" of one or more cats right in the middle of things.  Boots, our docile, sweet natured older cat, must have felt the effects of "spring fever" because he kept grabbing the corn packet and carrying it off (he did this 3 times) while I was trying to photograph the Kandy Korn packet and seeds.  It's fun to enjoy the cats antics  -most of the time.

Here is Boots with the seed packet

Finally, I did get a picture of the seeds and packet; however, notice Boots' paw in the background ready to "snatch" the packet again.                            
 A start of corn - evidently 2 seeds were left in the ground from last fall's corn planting (that the deer enjoyed) and have now come up.

Boots is right under my arm while I am planting.

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