Friday, April 15, 2011

The Newest Additions to the Farm

6 baby chicks or pullets are the newest to join our animals on the farm. We have 2 Ameraucana, 3 Rhode Island Red, and 1 Black Sex Link pullets.   Mel & I had debated about whether to get any chickens this spring or not.  We had seen an Amish chicken coop online, but the cost was $1500.  That price tag took a lot of thought (those would be very expensive eggs!) so we decided not to pursue that route.  After finding out we could get a chicken coop at Tractor Supply (thanks to Amberlea) and that it was on sale, we decided we would go into the "chicken business".  They are the cutest little things and boy, can they eat!

The chicks in the store

The Chick Crates used to bring them home

                                        Mel at the check-out with our chicks and their food
  Mel posing with the chick crates

The Rhode Island Red pullets
  The 2 Ameraucana and the Black Sex Link pullets
  In their "tote home" all gathered around their food bowl

The tote that is the chicks' home

The Chick-N-Hutch we will put together for the chicks

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