Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Fun 4th of July

Mitch, Amberlea and Jett came to the country for the 4th of July.  With grilled bratwurst, homemade lemonade, made from scratch french onion dip, homemade ice cream and a few fireworks what could be better? 
Shortly after they arrived we went to the fireworks stand.  With things being so dry we decided it would be better to avoid anything that flew in the air that could cause a fire so we bought safer items - smoke bombs, tanks, race car, sparklers and snappers.

 The goodies that we bought

Our next stop was the small grocery store in town to get ice for making the ice cream.  They have a unique selection of candy that is not found just anywhere.  Jett selected "Gold Nuggets Gum".

 Mel with the ice
 Jett opening the bag of gold (gum that is)

Amberlea making the made from scratch French Onion Dip (the recipe will follow)

Working on the fresh squeezed lemonade - A funny story goes with this picture.  Notice the juicer in the picture.  It has a measuring cup that attaches to the juicer.  Amberlea's birthday is coming up and I had gotten that along with money for us to give to her.  I thought I had a juicer, but don't (could it be the memory is going???) so she opened her birthday surprise early. 

She was able to then use HER new juicer!

Homemade Oreo ice cream ready to be made in the freezer (this recipe, too, will follow)

Enjoying the ice cream

The afternoon was time to play on the Slip n Slide, rest, watch a movie and do a craft

Jett made a king's crown to wear

The king posing wearing his crown
The king and his Mom

Grammy's Visit

                                                               Time for Fireworks



                                                                  Smoke Bombs

A smoke bomb by Amberlea

 Grandpop watching

Just to be safe Amberlea watered down the grass and kept the hose handy.

     The Race Car

                                                                  The Tanks

                                                  The Last of the Sparklers

                                        What a beautiful sunset to complete the fun day!
                                           Who could deny that there is a God?                                                  

May we never take for granted our freedoms that we as Americans enjoy.  A tremendous thank you to those who have served and are serving our country.  For their sacrifice and their families' sacrifice we are truly grateful!

French Onion Dip (Amberlea's Recipe)
3 onions chopped
1 clove of garlic
4 Tablespoons butter
1/4 cup oil
4 ounces cream cheese
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. salt
Caramelize onions and garlic in oil and butter until brown.  Mix cream cheese, sour cream and mayo.  Add spices.  Drain any excess oil from onions, then mix onions to mixture.  Stir.
Homemade Ice Cream
1 can evaporated milk
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 package ice cream mix (8oz.) or 2 boxes Junket (4oz. box)
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup half and half
Milk to fill to top of canister
Mix all together then freeze

Another homemade ice cream recipe that I use:
Candy Bar Ice Cream
1/2 gallon milk
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 (16oz.) carton Cool Whip
6 (2.1 oz) Butterfinger or Snicker candy bars, crushed. 
Mix and freeze in freezer.  Freeze 2 - 4 hours before serving.

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