Thursday, October 27, 2011

Early Morning

Too many times life is so busy we don't stop to look at the simple things of life that demonstrate God's handiworks, greatness and love.  I can't imagine anyone thinking that God does not exist. 
While Mel was away I was the early morning farm girl out and about around the farm.  I was so blessed with this time as I observed these things:
The sun peeks and rises above the horizon as the moon makes its way below the opposite horizon, the birds singing their songs, animals and how smart they are.  The calves after nursing their protective mothers turn to look at me with milk on their little black mouths, the cats playfully chasing one another, the rooster crows as if to announce to the world "a new day is dawning - enjoy it"! 
One morning a rainbow with its vivid colors was in the western sky - one of God's promises displayed.  I could see each end at the horizons, but the center part was not visible.  I could imagine God holding the center part and looking down on the earth hoping everyone will recognize  and honor Him for the everything He is and can be to us. 
How wonderful to take time to just "enjoy the simple things".

"They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty and I will meditate on your wonderful works."      Psalm 145:5

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