Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Farm Hand

Jett came to the farm while Mel was gone on a golfing trip.  Jett decided I was the farmer (I moved up to Grandpop's position) and he was the farm hand (he moved up to my former position).  Works for me!!
He was a lot of help for me with the farm chores.  He learned the meaning of many words relating to farm life - for example:  heifer, bull, cow and explained them to a few people.
Our chores included:
Taking care of the horses

Gathering eggs

Jett is holding 4 eggs that he gathered - the most we have gotten in one day!   We were excited!

A funny story about our red chicken who "habitually gets out of the pen" - she was out of the pen AGAIN.  Jett opened the back of the coop to check for eggs when here came the red hen and just proceeded to go in "the back door".  Jett and I had a good laugh at her antics! 

Jett is looking at the red hen that had just gone in the back door.

Opening and closing gates

It's so much more fun to close the gate and then climb over the fence!!  (A good excuse to climb)

 Watering cows
 This is a good time to observe the cows and calves and to count them to make sure all are accounted for especially since it is calving time.

Taking care of barn cats
Our black and white mama kitty had her kittens in a nail box under the counter.  She finally moved the 2 out of the nail box and onto the shelf.

Jett with Midnight

Jett has so much fun playing with the garage cats, Bandit and Smudge.  They chase him and run after some of his toys, then they run when he chases them.
Of course along the way the farmer and farm hand had to enjoy fun times.  We could not have all work and no play!!
What kid can resist hay bales?  Jett figured out a way to get on the bales by himself while I was busy with chores.  He used the stepstool and then climbed!  

What fun to run, jump and use your imagination while on the bales!
Riding the horse
Jett was ready to ride Freckles for the first time.  This farm wife has never saddled a horse, just observed.  Well, I did have a little difficulty with the cinch part.  After I had gotten the saddle lifted up and on, I didn't notice the saddle blanket a little out of line.  Just ignore the position of the saddle blanket - Jett did.  He just enjoyed riding Freckles. 

Playing ball

 Doing crafts

 Skateboarding "tummy style" down the driveway

 Our "rock star" performs

Our "rock star" is ready to go to the barn (note his guitar shirt, bandana and cowboy hat)
This star has his own "style"!

Bakugan - Grandmom is always learning something new!  This is a creature in ball form that will pop open when ... (see the next picture)

placed on a special card.   Creative, don't you think?
One of the mornings was cloudy, wet and cool.  It was decided by the farm hand that hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookies would be good. 
Yum! Yum!!  Homemade hot chocolate 

My helper pouring in the chocolate chips for the cookie.

We decided to make a large chocolate chip cookie pizza.

You just can't have warm cookies right out of the oven without a glass of milk!

We ate tacos.

Popcorn was enjoyed for our movie night.

My creative farm hand made this cute fall decoration just for me!  How sweet and thoughtful!!
My farm helper had to go home after 6 days.  He asked me how I was going to make it own my own.  I told him it would be difficult, but maybe I could manage. 

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