Wednesday, May 16, 2012

5 New Bicycles

Mel and I decided it was time for new bicycles for the grandkids.  The old ones have gotten a lot of use, been repaired numerous times and a couple  have become too small. 
As we went to Davis to have our oil changed, we stopped at Walmart in Sulphur to see what they had.  Sure enough they had what we needed.  We bought the bikes and explained we would be back later to pick them up since we were in the car.  No problem.  The store employees were so helpful.  The bikes were kept them at the service desk for us.  After the oil change we came home, got the pick-up and headed back to Sulphur.  4 store employees and Mel each took a bike to the pick-up.   We were quite a sight with the bike caravan. 

Grandmom rode them into the garage

5 new bikes ready for 5 special grandkids!

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