Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What Does A City Boy Do on the Farm?

Our city boy, Jett, returned to the farm for a visit.  He is growing up quickly and becoming so helpful with farm chores.  He has  a willing spirit to be useful. 
The farm chores included:
Not only do we have to gather the eggs, we also put the big chickens in their coop at night and we do the same (at the house) with the young chicks.

The Rooster Story
Our rooster is quite protective of the hens.  We have told the grandkids to watch out for him.  If he feels the hens are threatened, he wants to "flog" the threatening victim.
Mel and I were working in the garden when we heard Jett cry out.  It "scared us to death" and we both ran to him.  He was sitting in the breezeway of the barn with his head covered and saying, "I hate that rooster!".  After he calmed down and the facts were uncovered, he had acted as though he would kick toward the rooster, so the old guy just made a believer out of Jett.  The rooster had made a run at Jett and pecked at his feet.  Luckily, Jett had on his cowboy boots and no harm was done except for "pride and ego bruising". 
I think Jett is giving the rooster a "piece of his mind".  Do notice a fence separates Jett and the rooster!
Getting the Calf
Grandpop is still getting the cow in the head gate so the calf can nurse.  Sometimes the calf is lazy and needs encouragement to come up to eat. 
The first day Jett walked down and brought the calf up.  He was running so the calf began running.  Grandpop reminded him that with animals you take it slow and easy - not to run since it scares them.
The next day Jett came up with a better idea of getting the calf up - he would ride his bicycle to do that.  Pretty smart don't you think?  This sounds like something Grandpop would do ( It conserves energy!)

Grandpop explaining about being calm around animals

What a priceless moment!
They are observing the cow and calf

So many times I have seen Grandpop stand this way! 

The Horses
Jett loves to take care of Freckles.

The Garden
We worked in the garden. 
Jett pulled the onions.

He hoed in the garden.

What great help he was!
He enjoyed fun times at the barn as well as the work time.  The swings, Ft. McHenry and just being a boy in the wide open spaces.  He climbed on the loading chute just like what Grandmom did when loading cows.  I told him I did that so Grandpop could see me directing him on backing up to the loading chute.

More Fun Times
Jett built a wooden car.  Mathew and Jacob had done one last summer.

The "Blue Ice Car" all completed

Paper Airplane
Jett wanted to make a paper airplane he saw in a book.  I worked on one; however, it did not work.  I do believe there is something "in the genes that airplane making is a male thing".
Grandpop said he knew how so the "guys" built one together. 

My Attempt

Riding  the Bike
Jett now rides his bike without training wheels and boy, can he go!
His legs got plenty of exercise on the bike.

The Cat

Yum!  an ice cream cone

The boat he made in Sunday School Class

Grandpop and Jett enjoying a Rangers' baseball game

Grandchildren are such joy! 
We are looking forward to having the boys in a couple of weeks, then we will trade for the girls.
Many exciting and fun times to come!

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