Thursday, April 26, 2012

Worming the Horses

While Mel had the calves at the vet, he bought some "wormer" for the horses.  He started with Rosebud first.  She was not overly thrilled with the medicine, but did take it.  He then sprayed her with fly spray.
Freckles, on the other hand, was a different story.  She did not want her mouth bothered at all.  She would not cooperate.  Mel would have her circle around after she refused and then try again (a technique he had seen on a horse show).  Many times this was done.  Finally, we did get some down her.  At least she didn't mind the fly spray.

 Mel lost his hat during the process of Freckles' refusal of the medicine.
Think she is trying to hide her head???

I suppose you could say that Freckles has "temper tanturms".  When she thinks she is not being fed quickly enough, she stomps her foot.  Yesterday, she stomped her foot while we are attempting to give her the medicine - her way of letting us know her feelings about certain things!

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