Friday, December 28, 2012

Our Christmas Together

Our family Christmas get-together was on Saturday.  This fit everyone's schedule.  Our big Christmas together will be in January at the Great Wolf Lodge as we have done the past 2 years.
Excitement built early in the morning (4:30 a.m. to be exact) as the grandkids were up and ready to open stockings and gifts.  To help pass the time and allow Bryan and Melodi to sleep later, we did a Christmas craft.  Mitch and Amberlea headed out early from OKC to the farm.

The craft

After everyone was up and enjoyed coffee, Melodi and I began preparing food for later.
Earlier the menu had been discussed and we decided on having our favorite snacks.  These were:  Amberlea's cheese dip, Melodi's 7 layer dip and peppermint brownie bites and my homemade ice cream and bacon cracker snack.  We also had little smokies and ham on croissants.  

 Melodi mixing ingredients for the brownie bites

The bacon cracker snacks - some with brown sugar and some with Parmesan cheese

Homemade ice cream in December???
Yes, all enjoy it whether summer or winter!!!

Melodi dipping the brownie bites in chocolate while Emma advises

Adding the peppermint sprinkles

Not only are they pretty - they are delicious!!!

Time for Gifts
While Grandpop Santa was getting ready, the grandkids played Christmas Trivia.

To announce Santa's arrival on the farm, a cow bell was used!

Grandpop Santa

The kids anxiously waiting as Santa talks

Handing out belts for the boys - they also had new initial belt buckles in their stocking
The girls and adults received gift cards.

Amber and Mitch

I was taking their picture while Bryan took my picture!

Mel opening his gift

Stocking Time

Gift Time

Reading our Christmas card

Grandpop with his stocking
Emma ready to assist

Checking out his chocolate Santa

Gloves for farm work

Bags of nuts and a nutcracker

Grandmom with her stocking

Grandmom with her stocking

Yum!  Almond Joy candy bars

Assistance from Jett and McKaylea

Admiring my beautiful necklace from the kids and grandkids
How proud I am of it!  It is a bird nest with the grandkids birthstones in it for eggs with a bird on the chain close to the nest.  What a treasure I will enjoy wearing!

An egg basket for gathering eggs
(Quite an expression I have!)

A Christmas hug
Mel gave me beautiful earrings which are engraved with "I love you".

After stockings and gifts we were back in the kitchen to finish up with our snacks.
Amberlea working on her cheese dip.

Mitch snuck in the kitchen for a sample!

After eating and visiting we played "Catch Phrase"
Amberlea passing the game to Mitch for his turn

Mitch giving clues with Jacob and Mel listening

Mel's turn

Melodi's turn

Bryan's turn
A fun game we enjoyed.
Once again we enjoyed a wonderful and blessed time together!

The only glitch we had was while doing chores at the barn, the kids played on the hay bales.  Somehow Mathew did a flip off a bale and landed in such a way that he had grass stain on his hair.  He complained of having a hard time breathing and that his neck hurt.  It scared us for sure!  Our nurse checked him out and he just had the wind knocked out of him with the hard jolt of the fall.  He would be sore later.  How thankful it was not worse and that we had a trained medical person to make sure he was okay!  Thanks for the consultation, Amberlea!

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