Monday, December 3, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving 2012 was special and wonderful for the Bradford Family.
This was the first time in 6 years that we had both girls and their families home for Thanksgiving.  We were very excited!

The usual pre-Thanksgiving baking was done

The girls and their families were coming Wednesday afternoon and spending the night with us.  Our menu included nachos, apple cider and apple cake.

Apple cider with red hot candies melted in it - a family favorite

Mitch, Amberlea and Jett arrived around 1:00 p.m. Wednesday afternoon.  Chore time arrived and they helped us at the barn.

Amberlea and Mitch in the Gator

Jett rode with Grandmom and Grandpop

Time to ride horses

Jett checking the baby kittens in the box

Jett watching for the cousins to arrive

Amberlea doing pre-preparations for her Thanksgiving dish 

After driving 8 hours, which normally should be a 5 hour drive, the Woods Family arrived on the farm (much later than they wanted)!

Time to visit and "catch-up"

Thanksgiving morning began leisurely with coffee, pumpkin bread and home-made cinnamon rolls.

Bryan and Melodi preparing the delicious sweet potatoes and Amberlea making her great tasting stuffing

The boys played "cowboys" outside
What nice weather we had for this Thanksgiving!

Well protected by these 3 handsome guys!

Oh no!  Looks as though one is down!

The smoked turkey breast was just out of the smoker.  Emma and McKaylea did the taste test.
How pretty they are all dressed up!

Jacob and Mathew needed to do their own taste test!

Our Thanksgiving meal- smoked ham and turkey breast, dressing and stuffing, cream potatoes, gravy, green beans, sweet potatoes and cranberry relish with desserts of pecan bars and apple pie bars.

Mel with his 2 special daughters

Time to fill plates

Bryan is patiently waiting 

The grandkids at their own table

At the adult table

Time to rest and allow the meal to digest!

Grandmom and Grandpop with the precious grandkids

The Elliott Family

The Woods Family

Time for a visit with Grammy

Grammy with the "Grands"

Grammy with the "Grands" and "Greats"

Grandpop took the grandkids on a trailer ride.

The Elliott Family headed home late in the afternoon.  Amberlea sent this picture of Jett.  They were on Dolberg Road.  Think this boy was tired???

The Woods Family went to do chores with us.
Time to ride horses

Waiting their turn for a horse ride

Fun on the hay bales

Grandpop and Grandmom with Emma, McKaylea, Mathew and Jacob

Bryan and Melodi in the Gator

The kids made turkeys using cookies, chocolate covered cherries, candy corn and chocolate icing.

A finished turkey

What a fantastic Thanksgiving we had with the kids and grandkids!  How blessed we are!
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good."   Psalm 136:1

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