Friday, July 18, 2014

Moving Big Chicks to the Coop

Mel and I decided to move our 3 big hens from the pen at the barn to the coop behind the house.
I held 2 hens and Mel had 1 while he drove the Mule for the transfer.  I'm sure we were quite a sight!!
It is quite a challenge to hold 2 hens and attempt to take pictures at the same time!

Hens checking out their new abode

Our young chicks trying to figure out what is taking place!

The hens and chicks coop

Our hens settled right in, especially since they can wander around the yard.
They are enjoying being by the door on the front porch.

The patio is another favorite spot of theirs.

All seems well with our hens and chicks!
I think the "Girls" are more than happy with their new home!

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