Thursday, July 24, 2014

On the Farm Again and Restoring the Old Barn

Time to restore the old barn.  The old lumber and tin was removed so time to redo it and paint.

Uncle John and Grandpop 

The boys were a lot of help with the old barn!

Time for Games
The boys "walked down memory lane" with toys from the toy closest. 


Jenga Boom

Life on the Farm

Ice Cream Sandwich Break

At the barn

Moving the mats to the chicken coop

Back in the garden again!

Update on the garden critters
the baby birds 

Our bunny friend

Tearing down the old chicken pen
Jett wrapped the chain around the post and Grandpop lived it out of the ground with the tractor

Grandpop inquiring about a game



Decisions! Decisions!! Decisions!!!

The patient ladies who assisted us, answered questions and helped with the selections

The sack full of fireworks

Hard to believe it is almost July!  How the summer has "flown by"! 
A summer full of precious memories, fun, and time spent together!!

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