Thursday, July 24, 2014

Swap # 3, Amberlea's Regatta and Back on the Farm Again

Grandpop and I went to OKC to see a first for us, a regatta.  Amber and her co-workers had a rowing team and they were competing in the regatta.  We would also bring the 3 boys back to the farm for a few days before parents came from Texas on their way to Kansas, which would be swap #4.

Loading up before lunch and regatta

Jake found a bargain for new shoes!

It started to rain and did it rain hard!  We wondered if the regatta would take place.  After a couple of hours, the sky cleared and it was a beautiful day to be on the river!

A delicious lunch was enjoyed at Milagro's.

Our rowing star in her team shirt!

Shopping was done at Bass Pro.

 4 handsome guys!!!

Walking toward the boat house on the Oklahoma River

Waiting for the race to begin
Snowcones, free sunglasses, candy and other things were available along the river.

Dragon boats were on the river - one overturned.
It was quite interesting to watch the canoe being uprighted!

Amber's Mercy team during the regatta

The team docking

Team members

Our star!  

The team members

What an interesting and fun time we had watching the regatta!

Time to head back to the farm!
On the way home a stop at Braum's was in order!

Time for Farm Work Once Again!
Helping Grandpop

 Delivering Meals
The 3 boys 

At the Senior Citizen's Center
Mat and Jett added pieces to the puzzle.

Loading up with the food

Each one shared in the task
Mat did the trays, Jett handed them to me, and Jake did the dessert.

Returning containers after delivery

Grammy getting hugs from the boys

Keeping track of farm hours
The boys would write their hours on Grandpop's white board at the barn.

Math skills were involved in figuring a part of an hour for pay.
A napkin was handy so that's what we used.

Pay for farm work

Jacob  explaining directions about the camera

Farm chores

Off to Work They Go!!

Things are busy, interesting and fun on the farm with the 3 boys!

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