Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Jasmine Moran Museum

The Jasmine Moran Children's Museum at Seminole is a great place for kids to have fun! Kids can enjoy hands-on activities that provide learning, entertainment and fun.
Grandpop and I had fun as well!  As Jacob said, "We stayed in touch with our inner childhood!"

Ready to head to Seminole

While we were waiting for the museum to open, the kids enjoyed snacks.

 Entering the Museum

Grandpop and I were the ones to wear bracelets here.

Fun Activities!!

The news and weather team
Stay tuned to see if you see any of these on the local TV channels!

Digging for dinosaur bones

McKaylea, the dentist,  with Grandpop's tooth

Future mechanics

Grocery store

Making bubbles

Even Grandpop made bubbles

Our future doctors and nurses!!

The nail bed

Court is now in session!

The judge!

The girls crank while the boys sit

Funny mirrors

The castle maze

Great kids to take anywhere and enjoy fun together!

After the museum we ate at Catfish Round-up Cafe.  Yum! Yum!
The kids tried apple fritters for the first time.

 Special kids, special moments together, special memories, special fun together!!!

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