Sunday, August 10, 2014

Staying Busy on the Farm

The days began with the girls helping with the chickens and the boys were off to the barn.

The kids helped in the flowerbeds while Jacob and Mathew mow

The girls and I delivered meal for the Senior Citizens.

The boys helped with finishing the barn project.

Back from the barn and ready to eat!!

Amberlea came down to do stroke training for area hospitals.
The birthday girl opened her gift.

A fun game of Monopoly that lasted 2 days!

Jake after his hair trim by Grandmom

The girls enjoyed a pedicure and manicure by Amber.

Jumping rope

The girls and Amber off to visit Grammy

The birthday boy
Wow!  It's hard to believe he is 15!!

Amber and the kids blew up balloons to have for Jake's birthday.

All helping with clean-up in the house and yard work

Jake surrounded by his birthday balloons

Jacob's favorite meal of chicken fried steak, cream potatoes, green beans and dirt cake

Card games

Could these jeans be ready for the scrap bag?
Mathew decided that the hole in the seat of the jeans was a good reason for the jeans to be in the scrap bag ( surely paint stains, grass stains, and other tears contributed to that decision).

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