Thursday, July 30, 2015

Jacob's 16th Birthday on the Farm

Wow!  It's hard to believe our oldest grandson was turning 16!  He chose to come to the farm for his birthday.  Of course, his birthday meal was his favorite of chicken fried steak, cream potatoes, green beans, hot rolls with homemade jelly and dirt cake!  What fun and memories we enjoyed!

 The Woods Family arrive!

McKaylea tending to the chickens

Off to the barn!

Preparing the dirt cake

Bryan mowing at the barn

Mathew had brought his rope and steer head for roping practice and set it up at the barn.

Emma braiding Buttercup's mane

Happy Birthday to a special young man!

Off to see Grammy

Fun times together

Coffee on the porch once again!

Grandpop working with Buttercup - she was not sure about the slip-n-slide.
She finally with Granpop's coaxing decided it was okay  so she walked over it.

Breakfast time

A discussion among cousins

Mathew riding Hotshot

Jacob on Hotshot

Jett's turn

Emma on Hotshot

Buddy gets attention from Melodi

Roping practice

Look at these boots we found at Goodwill for $5!
Emma can wear this pair.

These fit Mat

Our picture together!

The caravan headed back to the house!

Time to relax and have fun!

A special week-end celebrating Jacob's 16th birthday and spending time together!!

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