Saturday, July 4, 2015

Tuesday, June 16th

Another day on the farm began with coffee, then a breakfast of bacon, crispy crowns and eggs.
Mathew and Jacob went to the barn to help Grandpop.

Mat tending to the chickens.

Emma and McKaylea gathered mint for tea.

Emma helped me in the kitchen.

Jett and McKaylea folded towels and put socks together.

Emma helped with the socks.

McKaylea and Jett playing cards before lunch.

Lunch today was cheesy chicken spaghetti, fresh green beans, garlic toast and apple dump cake with Cool Whip.  Afterwards it was rest time.

Later in the afternoon, the boys went to the barn with Grandpop.
The girls cut out their doll dress.

 The girls and I went to the barn to join the guys.
Mat completed his cute sign.

Don't you just love Jake's "new look"!!

Time to ride horses!!

After a full day's activities, it was time for our nightly movie!

A funny story - Jett came to the house to get his straw hat.  I got one from the closet and he went back to the barn.  Grandpop noticed the hat and said it was the wrong one.  I had given Jett Grandpop's  expensive "dress straw hat" ($80).  Grandpop called to inform me about the hat!  I quickly found the right one for Jett!

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