Sunday, March 12, 2017

Grammy's 90th Birthday

We began Grammy's adventure by taking her to renew her license and get a photo ID.  while driving there she noticed she did not have on make-up.  Mel asked if she wanted to go back to get it.  No, she was fine.

After getting her ID, we did go back to get her make-up.  Then, we were off to Roff.  We did some banking business, the went to Dollar General.

Roff Senior Citizens
What a wonderful greeting she received!!

She played a game of Rummikub, then was ready to go back to Brookdale.  Quite a day she had!
When we arrived back, she had a couple of surprises waiting for her!

She said she had the best day!  That was our goal for her and all we wanted!!
Amazing for 90 years old!!

Saturday, Julie had a small party for family at her house for Grammy.  

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