Thursday, March 29, 2018

"A Fiasco!!"

One would wonder what the following 3 items could have in common.  Well, they almost caused quite the fiasco!!
The alarm system went off one morning - with the full force of sound and lights.  Mel hurried to the garage to get the ladder to be able to be high enough to see how to take the cover off.  When he came past the car, evidently the ladder caught the side of the bottom bumper of the car, and he was wearing "slide shoes"!
After hearing quite the commotion, I hurried to the garage and found Mel checking out the bottom bumper piece.  I don't think he really knows what happened only that he was not upright in the garage with the ladder !!
Thankfully, Mel, the bumper, ladder and alarm system are all okay!!  Quite the "fiasco" and no one was hurt!!

Friday in the City

Roff played at noon today.  Mel and I decided to watch the game before we headed back to the farm!

Cloudy skies and a strong wind made for a very chilly day at a baseball game!

Jake worked until 1:00, then was able to join us at the game.
Quite the pitcher's dual - Roff unfortunately lost in the 8th inning when Bixby scored a run.

We enjoyed a sandwich from Chick -fil-a before leaving the "big city"!

Thursday in the City

Roff baseball team was playing in a "Festival" at Edmond.  We decided to go.  Jake was off so he joined us!
The Cow Calf-Hay was where we had lunch.  They had quite a variety of burgers, plus they were huge and that's not including homemade onion rings or curly fries!

What a great game we watched!  Roff won in the 8th inning!

A beautiful day to visit with Jake, enjoy a new eating place and watch a good game!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Jett at City House - Wednesday, March 21st

After breakfast Jett and I did errands, then met Jacob for lunch.  It was such a beautiful day, Mel golfed.
Breakfast of eggs and bacon

 Since Jake would go to work at 2:00, he brought his uniform so he wouldn't have to make a trip home.

Mr. Independent!  
Being responsible at home and working!!

Amberlea was able to meet us for lunch!  

A fun time with the "J" boys!!

Jett went home to check on his new dog, Winston.  Jake headed off to work.
Special memories and great times together!!

This is Winston!!

Jett on the Farm, then at City House - Tuesday, March 20th

Part of today would be on the farm, then we would go to city house late in the day.


Checking to see what's inside these Geodes!

Jett discovered different colored crystals inside.

Visiting Grammy!!

After getting things ready and all set we headed to the city house.


Someone seems to be enjoying the salsa and queso!!

Jett managed to eat all of his burrito!!

We watched the movie, "Hidden Figures", then the Thunder game before bedtime.

Jett on the Farm - Monday, March 19th

After breakfast we moved Gators and then cleaned out the broken and outgrown toys in the garage.
We had a great "Farm Hand"!  Jett was a lot of help!

Moving Gators Around!

Unloading the old grill at the barn

Grandpop's Chauffeur

Cleaning out old toys!

The dumpster is the goal!

Dumpster Dive so Jett can try that shot again!

Lunch was at Mazzios!

Jett loves the chocolate chip dessert pizza.  Now if you want some, you have to ask for it!  This kind worker brought it out to Jett!!

Another Lego Creation

Oreo's dipped in milk!  Yum!  Yum!!

Surely exercise is not needed after pizza and cookies!!
Can Grandpop keep up with Jett ???

Jett jogging to stay in shape for track!

A busy and fun day on the farm with Jett!!