Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Boys on the Farm (Surrey House) - Saturday, March 2nd

Mel and I went to the funeral of a friend in Surrey.  It was good to see former students, parents, friends and Mel's fellow golfers!
Amberlea dropped Jett off at the house with the boys while we were at the funeral.  
After changing clothes we were off to the basketball championship games at "The Big House"!

Waiting for Mel to get our tickets

50 years ago Roff won the State Championship for Class C in "The Big House"!!

Between games we went to Steak'n Shake to eat.

 Yum!! What's better than a hamburger and shake?
Back for the night session of games

Time for a snack when we get home at Surrey House

We watched the Thunder game.

Looks as though they are getting tired!!

A great time (and priceless) together!  Many memories were made!!  

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