Saturday, November 27, 2010

Boots, Our California Cat

Boots, who was Bryan & Melodi's cat in California, became an Oklahoma farm cat when they moved to Germnay. He is so good natured and lets the grandkids pick him up and hold him.
I was putting water in the troughs for the cows when Boots decided he would get a drink. We have 6 troughs we fill. (The troughs are temporary until the fence at the Annex is completed.) Boots decided he needed a drink of water. Of course, he did not select the trough that was almost full - instead he hopped up on the one that was about 3/4 full. He precariously leaned down into the trough for his water. A cow decided she would see what Boots was doing and started smelling of him. I could just see him losing his balance and falling into the water. Boots decided he better hop down and find water somewhere else. Another cow had come up to the trough and Boots just rubbed against her nose. He is not afraid of the cows as the other cats seem to be. I suppose he wanted to show this cow he was not intimidated when on the ground. I think Boots thinks he is "King Cat" on the farm .

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