Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blizzard # 2 of 2011

Weatherpeople predicted " blizzard storm # 2"  for Monday night into Tuesday.  Fortunately for us in southern Oklahoma we did not have near the snow as was predicted .  Cold temperatures were the worst part of this storm.

Monday afternoon one of our cows had a calf and she buried it in the hay to keep it warm.  Pretty smart mama cow!

Radar early Tuesday morning showing precipitation across Oklahoma

A later view of radar and it seems as though the snow "parted " directly over us.  Thank goodness!!

                                                               The light snow falling

Since I have been feeding the birds on the patio, a beautiful Red Cardinal has been coming for the past week.  He has made himself at home - sitting on the flower pots and sitting on the foot bar of the patio chair.  Hopefully this fellow will continue to come to visit us the rest of the year.
                      Here he's sitting on the foot bar of the chair keeping company with a "buddy bird"

               We lucked out with smaller amounts of snowfall, but will not escape the arctic temperatures - windchill of -6 degrees for Ada - Brrrrrrrr!         That is cold!!                          

Can you believe the predicted temperature at the end of the 7 Day Forecast?????  60 degrees!! - only in Oklahoma would it be 3degrees one day and a week later 60!  The amazing Mother Nature's humor!!

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