Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Results of a Blizzard and Prediction of 2 More Snow Storms

After having a blizzard that dumped 8 inches of snow, then another "small storm" that added another 5 inches, and predictions of  2 more ''possible storms", the results are:  empty store shelves, a snow covered driveway, very cautious driving and snowboots for walking in the snow!
Last Saturday Mel & I decided we would go to town to get "stocked-up" before the next storm or storms came in.  Something I have never experienced in my life were empty store shelves.  There were NO eggs or bags of sugar to be found in Sulphur.  Braum's said they received 60 cases of eggs Friday morning and by mid-afternoon Friday  ALL were gone!!  Yesterday we needed to go into our small town to do banking business and to mail some letters.  We stopped at the small local grocery/feed store and they had eggs and sugar both.  Now we are ready for more storms (as far as groceries are concerned). 
Luckily last week-end the storms that were predicted did not happen (Thank goodness!).  In fact the temps warmed up and melted a lot of the snow.  Today the prediction is for another snow storm with 6 - 12 inches of snow possible.  The temps for next week could be in the 60 - 70 degree range.  Only in Oklahoma could these extremes occur!!

The empty shelves at the store

                                          Heading down our driveway with just ruts for the road

                        My trusty snowboots that have been very necessary the past few days.

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