Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blizzard of 2011

 We were warned that a severe winter storm would move into Oklahoma.  After a little freezing rain, sleet, 8 inches of snow, temperatures in the teens with wind chills below 0 and winds up to 50 mph we knew the blizzard had arrived!  Oklahomans decided the weathermen were correct on this forecast! 

February 1st  - Gary England and Jed Castles updating the weather at 4:00 a.m.

 The predicted temps           


 David Payne with the same forecast
 The radar showing heavy snow

Heavy snow falling

 The snow and drifts around our well in the front yard

 Our patio

Mel after getting in from feeding the cows and walking to the house (see story below) - he had dressed in multiple layers

His boots and jean legs are frozen and have snow on them since he had to walk a distance
Mel had taken our white pick-up thinking it would be okay in the snow.  Little did he realize about the drifts and amount of snow.  After getting the white pick-up pulled out of a drift with the tractor, he accidentally locked the keys in the pick-up.  He had to walk to the house.
Later in the afternoon he drove the old green farm truck (which has 4-wheel drive) and decided it did much better in these conditions than the white pick-up.  Can you tell we are not accustomed to blizzard conditions?

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