Friday, February 4, 2011

MORE Snow!!

The weathermen told us last night we had a chance of a "dusting" of snow today.  This morning they updated it to 1 - 2 inches of snow.  Then as of 9:45 a.m. the update to the update is 2 - 4 inches of snow for our area.  So Mother Nature is just piling snow on top of our 8 inches of snow!  Guess what!  The forecast says more snow on Sunday and then a more significant winter storm coming on Wednesday.  Wow!  We are experiencing winter!  At least you have to say it is beautiful!!

The update at 9:45 a.m. with the radar and snowfall
The road conditions on the map

                                                       How it looks in my flowerbed

 Birdseed I put on the patio for the birds.  Earlier this morning I had 50 or more birds on and around the patio.  Poor things!  They cannot find food in all this snow.

                                      One of the birds sitting on the back of a bench on the patio

UPDATE:  As of 4:45 p.m. we had 5 inches of snow and it is still snowing lightly!

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