Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Thanksgiving was hosted at our house this year.  The tables were set up and food prepared.  Our menu included smoked turkey, ham, dressing, cream potatoes, gravy, cranberry relish, green beans, corn, spinach salad, hot rolls, and several desserts.
It was good to be with family - catching up on latest family happenings, eating together and just visiting and enjoying one another.
Returning from Norman the other day I read on a church marquee, " We should be thankful everyday, not just one day a year".  How true!  We are so truly blessed with family, food, shelter and necessities of life and most of all a God who loves us beyond measure and gave us His Son.
"I will praise God's name in song and glorify Him with thanksgiving."  Psalm 69:30

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Farm Hand Returns

Our little farm hand, Jett returned to the farm for a visit.  Earlier in the week while talking to him on the phone, he went down the list of our animals wanting to know how each were doing.  After the week here as my farm hand, he knows the routine and animals as well as I do.
The first afternoon he spent at the barn with Grandpop.  They said they had spent time at the
"man-cave" - Grandpop's blue barn. 
Cleaning Ft. McHenry

Feeding the Horses

Their Cowboy Hats
Jett made sure he brought his brown hat that Grandpop had given him.  Both of the "guys" with their cowboy hats. 
The Kittens
The cats always provide entertainment and fun for any kid, as well as adults.  Here are our two youngest kittens.

Riding Horses
We rode horses one afternoon when the weather was so pretty.  Grandpop rode Rosebud, Jett and I rode Freckles.  At first Jett was very unsure about both of us on the horse.  After a short time he really enjoyed the ride around the pastures.  He commented, "The world is so beautiful up here on the horse!".  That pretty well sums it up.

Jett rode Freckles while Granpop led her.  He's not quite ready for his "solo riding" yet.  The way he enjoys riding, it won't be long.

Gathering Eggs

Repairing the Leaky Faucet
Mel had a leaky faucet at the barn so he repaired it with a new fitting and braced the faucet itself so it would not give any when turning on or off.
Grandpop and Jett discussing the situation

Jett with a closer inspection

The fitting that was replaced
Mel is becoming quite the "handyman" !

Mel's Project
Jett is checking out the indoor chicken pen that Mel is doing

The Farm Truck
The old green farm truck is what we use when it is too cool for the mule. 

Jett is quite the gate opener or closer.  He can even do the big gate now.

Locking the gate

Mission accomplished!

Pancake Breakfast
On Saturday the Senior Citizens had a pancake breakfast fund raiser.  Grammy, Jett, Grandpop and I went.  We enjoyed delicious pancakes and sausage.
Shelton, the cook

After eating our breakfast, Jett played on the playground that is beside the center in Memorial Park.

Veterans Memorial Park
The park has a wall with the names of local veterans, a park bench, gazebo, and bricks with names of people who donated money for the park project.  A nice reminder of the people who have served our country so we can enjoy our freedoms.

Bricks pave the path from the wall to the gazebo.  The bricks have the names of people who donated money for the park.
Grammy and Grandpop discussing the names on the bricks

Delivering Meals to the Home-Bound Senior Citizens
Mondays Mel and I deliver meals to the senior citizens who are home-bound.  Jett was able to experience this.  Since it was close to Thanksgiving, I had a small goody
and a Thanksgiving card for each one.

On our way to pick up the meals

Out to get the food at the Senior Citizens Center
 Jett is waiting at the door for the elderly woman to answer the door so he can give her the goody.  A funny story - after Jett had given this to the lady, he said, "Happy Thanksgiving!".  The woman then asked if she was to give the boy some money.  We informed her it was just a little something for her.
Think that possibly she has several come to her door for fundraisers???  At most of the houses we have a little wait at the door while they come to the door using their walkers.
Job completed - now it is time to return the empty food trays to the center.

Christmas Crafts
I had bought some Christmas crafts for the grandkids. 

My reindeer ornament

A candle ornament Jett colored for our tree

Yummy Homemade Hot Chocolate
Quite tasty when you have homemade hot chocolate and Chex mix !

Mel and I are on our own again since our farm hand had to go home.  Before long he should return again.