Saturday, November 5, 2011

King Family Fall Get-Together

The King family gathered at our house for a time of visiting, eating and having fun.  We had 25 out of 30 that attended - a good turnout.  Siblings, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces and cousins spent time together.
Our menu included:  hot dogs, chili, beans, dips, chips, fruit and many desserts.  After "stuffing" ourselves, Mel prepared the tractor, trailer and hay for our hay ride.  We made our way along the old county road along the turnpike then ended at the barn for riding horses and playing on hay bales and checking out Ft. McHenry.
Preparations for the Get-Together

I had 2 good helpers.  They each decorated a table.  What a great job they did!!!
Emma with her decorated table
McKaylea and her table - she added some antics while posing.

Each family was to bring a bag of candy.  We mixed it together and then put the assorted candy in treat bags for the kids.

Emma helped Margaret open the packages of wieners so they could be grilled.
After eating, it was time to visit.

The Girls Chatting

The Guys Concentrating on the Football Game

This picture is so cute!  Jett and Emma got their desserts and then just decided to stay close to the dessert table where sweets would be handy.  Think their "sweet tooth" was taking charge???

The Hayride
The trailer is loaded and all are ready for the hayride to begin!

The hayride ended at the barn so the kids could ride horses, play on the hay bales and  check out  Ft. McHenry - the boys "fort" as they call it (we called it the "remnants" of the old dairy barn).

Riding Horses

Freckles and I are waiting for the next rider.

 Playing on the Hay

 Cousins helping cousins with getting on the bale

After returning to the house it was time for dessert again, visiting some more and kids playing ball outside.

Family ties were strengthened and renewed.  Memories were made to cherish.
A blessing it is to slow down in life and just enjoy one another.

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