Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Long Distance Fun During the World Series

Grandpop and I are Texas Ranger fans.   We have  Hamilton shirts which shows our loyalty. 
During the World Series the grandkids and us had fun texting and sending pictures back and forth (I have just "moved up in the technology world with an I-Phone").
When the boys had been here during the summer, we watched Ranger games.  Mat would wear his Rangers' hat and Jake would claim to be for the Royals and not the Rangers ( a standing joke we have with him).  Also, the guys would eat Skittles during the games which Grandpop and the boys called "Ranger Vitamins".
After receiving a picture from the kids Grandpop dressed in his Hamilton shirt for a picture to send to them.

We received cute pictures and videos from the grandkids.

If we are lucky, maybe we can convert Jake to a Ranger fan (especially after they move to Texas).
Just teasing Jake!!
Special times shared with family whether close in proximity or distance between.  Modern technology sure enables families to " stay in touch" and share things instantaneously.

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