Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Farm Critters

Just observing farm animals is not only entertaining but interesting.  Nature has its own way and I think many times, we as humans, attempt to impose our reasoning and thinking on animals.

Our Chickens
Our chickens are doing great!  They lay 2 or 3 eggs daily now.  When the weather is decent, we let them out to be "free range".  They go all around the barn, garden area, horse stalls and in the pasture.  In the evening when it is time for the chickens to go in their indoor pen, I call, "Here chick, chick, chick", and they amble toward the door. They are so funny to watch.  They stop for a last drink of water, grab a last bite of cat food, then go in the door.  The cats give the chickens the "right of way" as they come in and I know why.  The chickens will act as though they are ready to peck the cats so the cats make their lives simplier by moving out of the way when they see the chickens coming in.
Here are the chickens:
Eagle, as the grandkids have named her, has her own agenda.  She can be seen in the top right.

The last drink before the stroll to the pen

Last bite of cat food

The stroll to the pen

This is what I mean by the cats getting out of the way of the chickens!

The Horses 
Rosebud and Freckles come into the barn to be fed in the stalls.  Rosebud goes right in and waits.  If she thinks I am taking too long, she neighs to remind me she is waiting.  Freckles pushes against the gate or will stomp her front paw impatiently for her food.
I was guilty of "spoiling Freckles" by letting her take a bite out of the feed bucket before heading to her stall.  Mel suggested it would be better if she would go in and wait for her food.  Time to "unspoil" her.  She was not too pleased about the change, but has adjusted.  Every once in a while she will pull a stubborn moment, but then goes in for her food.

Freckles heading into the stall

She is patiently waiting!

Rosebud waiting for her food (maybe camera shy???)

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