Sunday, January 8, 2012

A New Year

Wow! 2012,  a new year for farm life,  family life and married life.  What will the year bring?  No one but God knows that answer so we trust Him, have faith, and enjoy each and every day of 2012.
Mel and I enjoyed a quiet New Year's Eve.  In bed by 9:30 then up by 5:00 - a farm schedule, but it works well for us since we are morning people.
We look forward to our 41st year together, the grandkids another year older, our kids doing well in their jobs and lives. 
Of course on New Year's Day we had black-eye peas, the traditional good luck food, along with other delicious food that Grammy had prepared.

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever."  Psalm 118 29

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