Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Great Wolf Lodge

Time for our annual Christmas trip to The Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine, Texas.  Everyone looks forward to this all year!
Sunday, the Elliott Family arrived at our house.  It was time to load up and head south to Texas.  The Woods Family headed north from their house.  The meeting place would be The Great Wolf Lodge.

Off we headed south to Grapevine, Texas.  After driving a while, it was time to stop and eat.  Chili's at Gainesville was the stop.  We stopped here last year on our way down.

We arrived at The Great Wolf Lodge!  Hurray!!  It was a little early to check in so we drove around and  went to Historic Downtown Grapevine, quite a unique place.  The decorations for Christmas were still up and it looked very festive.  Since the Woods Family was still on their way, we decided to do a little browsing.  Mel found the Yogurt shop, Cassie's, where you help yourself.  He got his cup, filled it up, added the toppings and was ready to pay.  The cashier told him he needed to "weigh it".  This was new to Mel.  Well, 8.4 ounces of chocolate yogurt and toppings.  Surprising!!  I think the young cashier "saw him coming".  Just a joke we had.  Jett had some yogurt as well.  The 2 "guys" decided to sit and eat yogurt while the rest of us browsed.

The Woods Family arrived at the Lodge so we hurried back to meet them.  We checked in, received our information booklet and bracelets that are our entrance to everything at the Lodge including to our room.  Time to change and begin the water park fun!

We are ready for the fun to begin!!!
Water Park Fun
Before going into the water park, McKaylea and Jett had to be measured to see which rides they could do.  Both had been hoping all year they were tall enough for all the rides.  Well, Jett was but McKaylea lacked a little.  Regardless, fun was waiting for everyone!

The water park is 84,000 sq. ft. and has one million gallons of swirling, sloshing, sliding water.
It includes 9 huge slides, 6 pools (including a wave pool), a giant waterfort, a lazy river and even a hot tub for adults.  What more could you ask for in January???

Here we go in the water!!!

What 2 adorable "chicks"!
Up the many steps with their rafts to the slides


The Wave Pool

Since everyone was tired and hungry, it was time for pizza.  Mel and I went to the Pizza Hut and got a variety of pizzas.  Yum! Yum!!

Time for Games
The grandkids wanted to play some of the games we had taken.

 Ornament Time
Us "girls" went to select their ornament for this trip and left Grandpop in charge of the kids in the room.   Could that be a mistake???
The ornament I selected for 2011
Our Overnight Room Guests
During any of the trips we take together,  the 3 younger grandkids or the 2 older ones take turns sleeping in our room.  Since the boys were first last year, the 3 younger ones stayed first this time.
We went to storytime.  The story read this year was Is Your Mama a Llama?   Afterward it was time for them to have their picture made with the girl wolf.

The Storyteller

Back to the room and time for bed.  All 3 started out in one bed.
 Emma decided she didn't have enough room so she moved to the sofa bed.  Jett then decided to move with Emma.  McKaylea at first was disappointed that she was the only one in that bed, but realized she had the whole bed to herself and that was pretty neat.  Around 1:45 a.m. Jett went to Grandpop's side of the bed and whispered for Grandmom.  Grandpop asked what he needed and he said he was talking to Grandmom.  I answered and he told me he needed to go potty.  Ok, fine.  After returning, Jett decided it was cold in the sofa bed so he moved to the bed with McKaylea.  Emma then moved as well.  Talking, giggling, whispering, talking and giggling some more until 2:30.  Finally all were asleep again.
At 5:45 all were awake.  Jett said, "I'm awake but my eyes can't open!" and then later he told us," My eyebrows just can't wake up!"
Everyone definitely needed coffee and hot chocolate this morning!!!!
Amber came over to bring Jett his clothes.
Breakfast at The Old West Cafe was on the agenda for Monday morning.  Several unusual choices of breakfast foods as well as generous portions are served there.  The grandkids wanted to ride with us.  Fun discussions are always a part of the journey. 
Jacob asked Jett if he was going to sleep in our room that night since he was "one of the boys".  Jett was thinking.  The girls said that was not fair if he did.  Jett replied, "There is only 1 of me, but 4 of you." 
I mentioned that my days were mixed up since we were on vacation.  Emma quickly replied," Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  Now your days are not mixed up, Grandmom!"
Nothing like the wisdom of kids!!!
A checker board was painted on the tables and checkers were in a jar so the kids entertained themselves with checker games until our food arrived.

The 5 Grandkids
No one could be more proud of these sweet, thoughtful and good-looking kids than Mel and I!!!
The Plan
Our group decided to go back to the water park, go to the mall for lunch, then return to the water park later in the afternoon.  What a deal!!!

When you get what you wished for...
Jett had been wishing he was tall enough for all the rides this year and sure enough he was.  Time to ride the Howlin Tornado.  On this ride up to 4 are on a raft and start down a slide.  After swirling, turning, going from one side to another you then go down at what seems like a 90 degree angle to finish the ride and go out the tunnel.  Jett became unsure about this in the middle of the ride.  Grandpop told him, "Just man up and don't be scared!".  Well, Jett did his best and made it okay.  He was NOT ready to do the ride again.  Grandpop told him how proud he was of him and gave him reassurance and a hug!  That made it all better; however, Jett was NOT going on the ride again!

 The Mall
The Grapevine Outlet Mall sounded like a good place for lunch and some shopping. 
A merry-go-round was in the mall.  McKaylea, Jett and Emma rode on it.

Amberlea and Grandpop watching
Each one selected what he or she wanted for lunch.
This was Grandpop's favorite place in the mall.
After shopping, walking off breakfast and lunch the water park was the place to go again.

The Ropes Challenge

  All went to the room tired and hungry.  Whataburger was the choice for supper.  It really hit the spot for this group.

Once again the kids played games

It was the boys' turn to sleep in our room.  After walking around then getting some ice cream, it was time for bed.
Time for coffee with the boys.  They look forward to having coffee with us.

The boys and I played Rummikub while waiting for everyone to get ready for doughnuts.
Kountry Doughnuts
Sunday while driving around we spotted a neat little doughnut place so Mel and I went there to get doughnuts for breakfast for the Bradford Clan.  Delicious! Delicious!!


Our last morning so we had time to visit, reflect on our trip and some last minute fun.
What could they be plotting???

Another great time for the Bradford Clan at The Great Wolf Lodge.  This seems to be the place again next year for our families to have fun, enjoy one another and make so many precious memories.  As Melodi said, "Christmas gifts are used and eventually thrown away, but we have memories that cannot be taken away!"  How true!

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