Monday, January 30, 2012

Jett Comes to the Farm

Jett came to the farm for a few days.  Luckily this time we had beautiful weather considering it was January.  We met Mitch, Amberlea and Jett at Rudy's in Norman to bring "the little guy" to the farm.  The barbeque was delicious!

Grandmom put on her "teacher hat" for his home schooling while he was here.  We worked on counting and writing the number and word for ten blocks and ones - making numbers between 1 and 100.
Explode the Code involved sounding out words, reading questions then selecting the correct picture. 
He put time-line cards in the correct sequence for history.We practiced his skip counting, history sentence, Latin words and more. 
For science we used a magnifying glass to look at herb plants.  I had planted the seeds and the seedlings were coming up.  Some had the cracked seed still on the end of the plant.  He also investigated other things around the house with the magnifying glass.
His Reading and Phonics Work
Investigating the Herb Plants
Checking out Various Pictures and Textures

Boys and Outdoor Play
We had more outside play time since we could take advantage of the nice weather.
He washed his rock collection, played in the sand in the sand table, then with his magnifying glass saw "gold" in the sand particles while he was "panning for gold".  Wow!  We should be rich he told us when he saw so many gold speckles in the sand. 

Bandit, the cat, is right in the midst of things.

You might as well make yourself comfortable while playing in the sand!
Craft Time

Delivering Meals
We delivered food to the shut-in senior citizens one of the days.  Jett was a big helper by carrying one of the boxes, then he would hand me the bread and dessert cup for each stop we made.

Barn Time
The highlight of farm days is going to the barn for chores!
Don't you just love this look?   Jett borrowed Mat's hat. 

The Chickens
Jett gathered the eggs.

Jett was talking to the rooster.  He had run up to the chickens and was talking to the chickens.  Later, the rooster seemed to want to chase him.  Jett was rather cautious around the rooster after that.  In fact, when he ran to Ft. McHenry to play, the rooster was right behind him.  Jett called for me to come.  I stood between the rooster and Jett just to make sure. 
The rooster is very protective of the chickens.  I notice that he seems to stand "guard" while the chickens are outside searching for insects.

A close-up picture of our rooster - he is a "handsome one"!

The hens and the rooster on their "stroll" to the barn door to go into their indoor pen.

Jett was waiting to close the pen door.

The Horses
Petting, feeding and just sitting on the horses entertains a boy.

The Swing
The grandkids have had so much fun on the swings Grandpop build out of scraps!

The Hay Bales
Jett was not quite tall enough to climb on the bales himself so he got Grandpop's stool.

He told me he was reading the instructions on the inside and how not to stand on the stool.

What fun!!

Grammy Came to Visit
Jett told Grammy about his day and what he had done.

What fun we had! 
We are looking forward to his return as well as the visit of Jacob, Mathew, Emma and McKaylea!

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