Thursday, April 26, 2012

Worming the Horses

While Mel had the calves at the vet, he bought some "wormer" for the horses.  He started with Rosebud first.  She was not overly thrilled with the medicine, but did take it.  He then sprayed her with fly spray.
Freckles, on the other hand, was a different story.  She did not want her mouth bothered at all.  She would not cooperate.  Mel would have her circle around after she refused and then try again (a technique he had seen on a horse show).  Many times this was done.  Finally, we did get some down her.  At least she didn't mind the fly spray.

 Mel lost his hat during the process of Freckles' refusal of the medicine.
Think she is trying to hide her head???

I suppose you could say that Freckles has "temper tanturms".  When she thinks she is not being fed quickly enough, she stomps her foot.  Yesterday, she stomped her foot while we are attempting to give her the medicine - her way of letting us know her feelings about certain things!

Immunization Time for the Heifer Calves

It was time for our heifer calves to have their shots, be wormed, and receive ear tags.
We joked that the "girls" needed their immunizations.  The poor things were worn out when they returned home.

One pasture of heifers being loaded

Loading the heifers from the Annex ( what we call the 2nd pasture)

 Unloading the calves after their trip

The previous week we had sold steers.  All the mamas came running when Mel unloaded the trailer even the mamas of the steers hoping by chance that their babies had returned home with the heifers.  After a short time they decided that was not to be.  (It tugged on the heart when I saw that even if they are animals.) 

We have a mother cow that will not let her calf nurse unless she (the mother) is in the head gate and her foot tied so that she will not kick the calf.  "Quite a pain!" as Mel says. 
The calf knows the routine was well as we do.
When Mel returned with her calf, she was so concerned about her baby, but not enough to let it nurse without being in the head gate.  While Mel was getting the cow in the head gate, I went to get the calf.  She had plopped down in tall grass and was not too interested in nursing.  After I got her up, she decided she was hungry as she went to the cow.

 The tired little heifer just wanted to be left alone!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Beautiful Spring

This spring has been gorgeous!  Maybe we are more appreciative because of the drought and hot summer we experienced last year.  The rain we have received this spring has definitely brought on the plants, vegetables and even weeds.  The lovely green grass provides a perfect background for the flowers.
From my yard these beautiful plants grow.  Who could deny there is a God when you see such beautiful creations!
Hardy Geraniums



Ruga Rosa


The Plum Tree
The first 2 years we lived on the farm our "elderly plum tree" had so many plums that I was able to make several batches of plum jelly which our family loves with hot rolls and biscuits.
The last 4 years the tree had a few but freezes and wind storms took care of the few the tree produced.  This year I am cautiously optimistic that possibly we will have enough to make jelly. 

The fall of 2010 we planted 2 plum trees knowing the "elderly plum tree" might not be producing much longer.  The new trees survived the drought last summer and this spring one of them has 1 plum on it.  A promise that after 3 years we should have plums from these trees!

The Young Tree

 The "one" plum on the young tree

Happenings on the Farm

The farm has been a busy place this past few days.   Mel sent some steers to the sale.  So that meant he and I were cow-hands for a while. 
 Calves to the Sale
The pickup and trailer are backed up to the lot, ready for loading
Not to brag, but, I am becoming quite adept in backing the pickup up to the trailer and then hooking everything up (and we don't even have a camera in the pickup to help!)

The early morning sun is up

 The steers are wondering what is taking place

 As Mel says, "Sure enough good looking calves!!"

Slowly moving them into the lot toward the trailer

Decision time - to sell all 8 or hold a few back for later????
The decision was to send all 8.

Some are in the trailer, now to get the rest

Time to "crowd them" into the trailer

My instructions of what to do at the barn before he heads to the sale

 Off they go

The bawling mamas wondering where their babies have gone

Expanded Chicken Pen
Mel is enlarging our chicken pen since our 6 chicks will be added to our 4 already at the barn later this summer.

 Our Garden
Our garden has been planted (except for peas and okra and we are waiting for the warmer weather) so our vegetables are growing.

Green beans





We also have tomatoes, peppers, spinach, onions, Swiss chard, and sugar snap peas growing!
There is nothing better to eat than "fresh vegetables from your garden"!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Easter Weekend with Family

We had a wonderful, fun and blessed Easter!  Spending time with family is priceless.
Thursday I needed to go to the city, so on my way home I stopped by to get Jett.   He could come to the farm early and have extra time with his cousins. 
Friday, the Woods Family arrived and the cousins played, and played, and played. 
Saturday, Mitch and Amberlea came down.  A cook-out, egg hunt and family time was the "order of the day".  Late that afternoon, the Elliott family headed home.
Sunday,  Mel and I along with the Woods Family went to the sunrise service at our church. 
We, as Christians, remember that our Lord provided forgiveness of our sins on the cross and the promise of eternal life with him with His resurrection.  All we could ever ask for or need!
We came home and enjoyed breakfast burritos.  It began to rain and did it rain hard!  We received 2 1/4 inches of rain.  It was a great time for relaxing, playing games, watching movies and enjoying our meal of ham, baked beans and hashbrown casserole.  In the evening we had Dr. Pepper Floats.

Flowers Jett picked and gave to me.

Jett played on the wagon while I "weed-eated" around the front gate. 
His silly pose

Jett helped with the chicks.

The Woods Family Arrive!

Time to Play!
Who knew a gopher hole could be so much fun!!

Popsicles on the front porch

The magic words - "Barn Time!"

Gathering Eggs

The Swings

Hay Bales

Mat's Construction

The Horses

Freckles was receiving plenty of attention while Grandpop saddled her.

The Ride
Our "horse girl" Emma

McKaylea needed a "little boost"

Jake's turn

Jake helping Jett

Freckles liked following Grandmom

Mat's ready to mount

Grandmom's turn

Even Brooke took a turn - she was initiated with Freckles "all body shake" which is quite startling the first time you experience it!

The cheering crowd

Our "limber" Jacob doing stunts for us

Quiet evening time

Finally, it's getting warm enough for coffee on the porch - well, at least almost - notice Melodi has a blanket for a little extra warmth

Our bunny cake ready to be decorated
We divided up the different parts so each child had an area to decorate.

All are eagerly awaiting their turn for the bunny decorating task

Bryan gets a sneak peek

Our finished bunny

The proud decorators

Time for the chicks to go to their outside pen

Inspection to make sure all is well with the chicks in their pen

Mitch and Amberlea have arrived! 
Now it is time for Bryan and Amberlea to hide the eggs!
Off for the Hunt!

Could McKaylea be asking for a hint?

Jake and Jett on the search

Emma checking her find

Mat explaining about his find

Our chef getting the grill ready

Mitch assisted Bryan with the grilling
Great job, guys!!!

The girls "catch-up"

Time for Easter Treats


Amberlea asked various educational questions for more candy.
What a smart group they are!

Grammy visited

The Rauch Family visited

What is more fun than sand or dirt?

Time to relax 

Movie and Game Time

Family being together, sharing fun, meals, and farm adventures - what a blessing!

"Jesus said ... 'I am the resurrection and the life.  The one who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live.  Everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die - ever'  (John 11:25-26).