Saturday, April 21, 2012

Happenings on the Farm

The farm has been a busy place this past few days.   Mel sent some steers to the sale.  So that meant he and I were cow-hands for a while. 
 Calves to the Sale
The pickup and trailer are backed up to the lot, ready for loading
Not to brag, but, I am becoming quite adept in backing the pickup up to the trailer and then hooking everything up (and we don't even have a camera in the pickup to help!)

The early morning sun is up

 The steers are wondering what is taking place

 As Mel says, "Sure enough good looking calves!!"

Slowly moving them into the lot toward the trailer

Decision time - to sell all 8 or hold a few back for later????
The decision was to send all 8.

Some are in the trailer, now to get the rest

Time to "crowd them" into the trailer

My instructions of what to do at the barn before he heads to the sale

 Off they go

The bawling mamas wondering where their babies have gone

Expanded Chicken Pen
Mel is enlarging our chicken pen since our 6 chicks will be added to our 4 already at the barn later this summer.

 Our Garden
Our garden has been planted (except for peas and okra and we are waiting for the warmer weather) so our vegetables are growing.

Green beans





We also have tomatoes, peppers, spinach, onions, Swiss chard, and sugar snap peas growing!
There is nothing better to eat than "fresh vegetables from your garden"!!

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