Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Beautiful Spring

This spring has been gorgeous!  Maybe we are more appreciative because of the drought and hot summer we experienced last year.  The rain we have received this spring has definitely brought on the plants, vegetables and even weeds.  The lovely green grass provides a perfect background for the flowers.
From my yard these beautiful plants grow.  Who could deny there is a God when you see such beautiful creations!
Hardy Geraniums



Ruga Rosa


The Plum Tree
The first 2 years we lived on the farm our "elderly plum tree" had so many plums that I was able to make several batches of plum jelly which our family loves with hot rolls and biscuits.
The last 4 years the tree had a few but freezes and wind storms took care of the few the tree produced.  This year I am cautiously optimistic that possibly we will have enough to make jelly. 

The fall of 2010 we planted 2 plum trees knowing the "elderly plum tree" might not be producing much longer.  The new trees survived the drought last summer and this spring one of them has 1 plum on it.  A promise that after 3 years we should have plums from these trees!

The Young Tree

 The "one" plum on the young tree

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