Thursday, April 26, 2012

Immunization Time for the Heifer Calves

It was time for our heifer calves to have their shots, be wormed, and receive ear tags.
We joked that the "girls" needed their immunizations.  The poor things were worn out when they returned home.

One pasture of heifers being loaded

Loading the heifers from the Annex ( what we call the 2nd pasture)

 Unloading the calves after their trip

The previous week we had sold steers.  All the mamas came running when Mel unloaded the trailer even the mamas of the steers hoping by chance that their babies had returned home with the heifers.  After a short time they decided that was not to be.  (It tugged on the heart when I saw that even if they are animals.) 

We have a mother cow that will not let her calf nurse unless she (the mother) is in the head gate and her foot tied so that she will not kick the calf.  "Quite a pain!" as Mel says. 
The calf knows the routine was well as we do.
When Mel returned with her calf, she was so concerned about her baby, but not enough to let it nurse without being in the head gate.  While Mel was getting the cow in the head gate, I went to get the calf.  She had plopped down in tall grass and was not too interested in nursing.  After I got her up, she decided she was hungry as she went to the cow.

 The tired little heifer just wanted to be left alone!

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