Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Rooster

Our rooster now has a new home. 
In 2011 we bought 6 chicks  (we thought they were all hens).  Jacob kept telling me that one was a rooster.  Sure enough, he was correct.  The rooster thrived and grew to be a very large and beautiful one.  He was very protective of the hens. We called him the "guard rooster".   In fact, he would "flog" you if he was not sure about things.  Several of us had suffered his "wrath".  Afraid that someone could get hurt, we debated about what to do with him.  A neighbor said he would like to have him. 
The question now?  How would we get him to the neighbor without suffering the rooster's wrath ???
The neighbor informed us that late in the evening when the rooster was on the roost would be the best time and  to use a wire to catch his foot. So, late in the evening the neighbor arrived with his cage in hand.  Mel was ready for battle by wearing his jeans and using his welding gloves for protection.   I decided  I would check about the rooster before the battle began.  I had handled and petted him and the hens while they were small so hoping the rooster remembered that, I went into the henhouse.  He was perched on the roost.  I reached over and picked him up without any incident.  I came out of the pen carrying the rooster, then put him in the cage.  All was accomplished without anyone getting scratched or worse.  A big sigh of relief because that task was completed!

The Make-Over

New furniture calls for a make-over.  My decorator advisor, Amberlea, and I had selected some fabric to use for pillows and to recover the bar stools.  Time for me to get busy.
I recovered the bar stools, made new pillows and a table runner to coordinate with the new furniture and curtains. 
The Bar Stools

New Pillows

The Curtains

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Amberlea's Birthday

Amberlea, our baby, turned 30!  Gosh, it's hard to believe that time gets away so quickly.
She and Jett came to the farm for a few days to visit, celebrate her birthday, and have her help with our living room make-over.
The Birthday Girl

Amber hanging our new curtains

Time for Chores

No better way to go to the barn than to ride in the back of the pick-up!

Jett, the farm hand, told his Mom all about the chickens and rooster

The "Chicken Pro"

Gathering Eggs

The Horses

Now that there are more bales of hay at the barn, the trip is not complete without playing on the bales!
Chores completed

While playing outside, Jett found this terrapin.
After checking it out and experiencing the terrapin's defense system, he put it down and ...

the critter quickly found cover for a hiding place! 
Anyone wonder why???

We were watching Little House on the Prairie, the episode about Laura's husband's nephews playing a joke with the outhouse.
Grandpop told Jett about when he was a little boy and he and his brother had watched a show on TV about digging a hole in the ground and covering it with grass, etc. to catch animals
Of course, you put this idea in the head of 2 young boys and what comes about???
Grandpop explained that they did not have indoor bathrooms, just the outhouse.  The first thing his Mom, Grammy, did after getting home from work was to visit the outhouse.  The 2  boys had thought it would be funny to dig a similar hole in front of their outhouse.  Well, needless to say after Grammy found that hole, the idea was definitely NOT funny any more!

The Birthday Girl has become a beautiful and fantastic young woman! 
The loving sweet nature, thoughtfulness and many talents you have make us so proud! We enjoyed the time spent together shopping, redoing the living room, enjoying Mexican food and strawberry cake, doing chores and visiting.
What fun we had with Amberlea and Jett!

Monday, July 23, 2012

New Furniture

After close to 20 years using our living room furniture, it was time for new.  Mel's recliner "sat lop-sided" and mine was losing parts.
I met Amberlea and Jett in OKC and we went furniture shopping.  I had in my mind what I was looking for - brown leather and comfort!
We browsed, sat, looked, discussed and I found exactly what I wanted!  My consultant decorator, Amberlea, agreed so I knew we had found the deal.

We shopped on Tuesday and believe it or not the furniture's delivery day in our area was Wednesday!  Good deal!  We would not have to wait that long for our new furniture.

The Delivery Men

Mel trying out his new recliner

Jett checking out the ottoman

Now Mel and I need to "break-in" our new furniture. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Woods' Family Visit

We are always thrilled when the kids come to visit.  Bryan, Melodi and the kids came for a couple of days on their way to Kansas City and then returned for a night on their way home. 
Seems as though the weather turns very hot, very cold or very windy when they are here for a visit.  This time the heat was the culprit. 
Jett came a couple of days early so he could be here to play with the cousins.  What fun and excitement abounds when they are all together!
We went to the fireworks stand to purchase some fireworks, but they were closed.  We did stop at the local store for ice for home-made ice cream.  The store usually has "gold nugget gum" in a small canvas pouch that the grandkids really enjoy.  Unfortunately, the store was out of them so we picked out the suckers.

After the Woods arrived we went to see Grammy.  Here are all 5 of the "Greats" as she calls them.

Barn Time
With the new hay bales the kids now have several rows on which to jump on from one row to another.  They did stop long enough for a quick picture. 

When the weather cooperates, our favorite thing is to have coffee on the porch.

With the hot temps the kids took advantage of the pleasant mornings playing outside.

Games were played until is was "warm enough" for water fun.

The kids enjoying their suckers.

Time for water fun.  First and a must was sunscreen!

Talk about "style"!

Emma needed a quick nap after her early rising. 
 The grandkids get up early on the farm so they won't miss anything. 

Emma and Mat went to the front gate to get tomatoes that Shelton had left for me.  This is a tomato year for sure!

Time to go to the fireworks stand - load up everyone!

Choices! Choices! Choices!

Our stash included: smoke bombs, snappers, firecrackers, sparklers and each one had selected a special item they wanted.

When we arrived home, Grammy was waiting.  She had come up for lunch and since we were not home, she began to think one of the kids had gotten hurt.  She called Mel's cell phone to check.
I told her one way to know that everyone was fine was that we would not take "everyone" to the emergency room. 

My "Dessert Lovers"!
A little dessert was left so Jake and Mat shared what was left.  (Maybe who could get the most in the shortest amount of time???) 

"When can we do fireworks? " was the question for the afternoon.
To pass the time they played games.

They did crafts.  Here, the boys are mixing plaster for dinosaur molds.

After they had dried, it was time to paint them.

The girls worked on a bead craft.

Somehow the string had become quite tangled so Melodi worked on untangling it.

Home-made ice cream helped pass the time.  I made vanilla then each one could add his or her favorite toppings - quite yummy!

Finally, they could do the fireworks that didn't need darkness.
Bryan gave instructions about safety.

After the lesson Grandpop said he had selected the safest spot!

Can you tell that  firecrackers were next on the list?

After the afternoon fireworks display, the kids played outside then we went in for a snack and waited for darkness.  Jett began to feel bad with a tummy ache. He just wanted to stay in bed - not like him at all!  (He had a rough night with it.  Finally, later in the morning he was getting better.)  Jett had selected a boat.  We saved it and some sparklers for him to take home. 
Mat's selection was a tank.

Emma selected chickens.

McKaylea selected a turtle.  She didn't want to do hers but an extra was a bug.  She decided she was brave enough to do it so big brother, Jake, helped her.


 Jake had selected a pink bomb so the group decided it would make a great finale!

Ice cream sandwiches after the fireworks!

When the Woods' Family returned from Kansas City, we celebrated Jacob's birthday.  He was to turn 13 the next week.  Wow!  Hard to believe we now have a teenager!  He enjoyed his favorite meal - chicken fried steak, cream potatoes, green beans, hot rolls and "dirt cake".
We reminisced about when Jacob was born.  Melodi and Bryan were in Fairbanks, Alaska.  Amberlea and I flew up there after he was born.  Since they had not been there long, their furniture had not yet arrived.  Jacob did have a crib and his room was ready.  We played many games of Skip Bo, watched Jacob, and took walks to pass the time.  In the family Jacob was called "the computer baby" because after Amberlea and I returned from Alaska we sent pictures to family members by e-mail - hence the term "computer baby" came about.

What a handsome, sweet and thoughtful young man Jake is!

All enjoyed a "popping" good time together!