Monday, July 23, 2012

New Furniture

After close to 20 years using our living room furniture, it was time for new.  Mel's recliner "sat lop-sided" and mine was losing parts.
I met Amberlea and Jett in OKC and we went furniture shopping.  I had in my mind what I was looking for - brown leather and comfort!
We browsed, sat, looked, discussed and I found exactly what I wanted!  My consultant decorator, Amberlea, agreed so I knew we had found the deal.

We shopped on Tuesday and believe it or not the furniture's delivery day in our area was Wednesday!  Good deal!  We would not have to wait that long for our new furniture.

The Delivery Men

Mel trying out his new recliner

Jett checking out the ottoman

Now Mel and I need to "break-in" our new furniture. 

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