Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Rooster

Our rooster now has a new home. 
In 2011 we bought 6 chicks  (we thought they were all hens).  Jacob kept telling me that one was a rooster.  Sure enough, he was correct.  The rooster thrived and grew to be a very large and beautiful one.  He was very protective of the hens. We called him the "guard rooster".   In fact, he would "flog" you if he was not sure about things.  Several of us had suffered his "wrath".  Afraid that someone could get hurt, we debated about what to do with him.  A neighbor said he would like to have him. 
The question now?  How would we get him to the neighbor without suffering the rooster's wrath ???
The neighbor informed us that late in the evening when the rooster was on the roost would be the best time and  to use a wire to catch his foot. So, late in the evening the neighbor arrived with his cage in hand.  Mel was ready for battle by wearing his jeans and using his welding gloves for protection.   I decided  I would check about the rooster before the battle began.  I had handled and petted him and the hens while they were small so hoping the rooster remembered that, I went into the henhouse.  He was perched on the roost.  I reached over and picked him up without any incident.  I came out of the pen carrying the rooster, then put him in the cage.  All was accomplished without anyone getting scratched or worse.  A big sigh of relief because that task was completed!

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