Thursday, July 12, 2012

Farm Update

Our chicks are growing. We did move them to their own house at night. The older hens were not too accepting of the new chicks. Mel put a roof on the old well house and it makes the perfect place for the chicks.

Our New Kitten
We have one new baby kitten.  As always Mama Kitty is very protective of her baby.  She and the chicks have had a "stand-off" with Mama Kitty winning out with a" boxing of her paw" at the chicks.

This shelf - closet is where Mama Kitty had her kitten.  After a few days the heat prompted her to move the kitten under the zero-turn mower.

After the move to under the mower, Mama Kitty then moved it out in the open close to Mel's shelves against the wall.  She was searching for a "cool - as - possible" area.

The Horses and "Corn Nubbins"
Our corn was ready to pick and shuck.  After shucking it I decided I would take the shucks and nubbins (the ends I cut off) to the chicks and horses.  Normally Rosebud will not eat anything out of my hand.  After watching Freckles enjoy the corn, she decided she would give it a try.  Boy, has she changed her mind now about eating things from my hands!


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