Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Visit with a Great Niece and Her Family

We were thrilled to have lunch with and to visit with our great niece that we have not seen in several years.  She now has 2 precious children.  Hard to believe that she is all grown-up with her own family.

Jennifer, Dalton and Jeff

Mel and Jeff visiting

Paige and Jenn with Dalton 

Margaret and Paige

After lunch we took Paige, Jenn and Jeff to the barn.  Paige
Paige's first time to gather eggs

Time to pet a chicken

All kids enjoy the hay bales
Paige is working up the courage to jump from one bale to another

She decided to enlist Dad's help

Wow! She made it!

Confidence gained so she is jumping from bale to bale

Freckles enjoying the attention from Jeff and Jenn

Paige sitting on Freckles

Joe and Margaret stayed at the house to take care of Baby Dalton

Visiting on the front porch

Paige loves to draw and color

Mel with Paige

It was so good to see Jennifer and her family.  

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