Friday, October 5, 2012

Team Work and Fencing

Mel decided we needed to put a temporary fence between our neighbors and ourselves so he could begin to clear out brush and then put in a new fence.
Since this fence is only temporary we used cattle panels and steel posts.  To save "wear and tear" on Mel's neck, shoulders and back we have learned to use the bucket on the tractor to push the posts into the ground - much better than using the fence driver.
We have worked out a system.  I hold the post until Mel gets the bucket on the top of the post, then I move out of the way while he pushes it down with the bucket.  Works pretty slick!

This shows why a new fence is needed

Where Mel stores his posts

Mel cutting some wire off a post
These posts have been used several times

The panels and posts are laid out where he wants them

I'm holding the post while Mel pulls forward with the tractor

From my point of view under the bucket of the tractor
Think I have trust in my hubby to be here???

He's ready to push the post into the ground

Almost done

After posts are driven it's now time to put the panels up and wire them to the posts

Team work! Team work!  That's what it takes to get things accomplished on a farm!

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