Tuesday, June 3, 2014

More Farm Fun with the Boys

After the boys received their farm pay, we went to the bank for them to put their money in savings.
Mat had his money ready and even added more to his farm pay.  Jake wanted to save his farm pay, but also wanted to keep some for spending money.  What a dilemma it was for Jake.  As he was waiting for Shirley to make his deposit, you could see the temptation of keeping it to spend.  Pan, another teller, asked if she could help him - just in time or we believe Jake would not have deposited his money.  What a laugh Grandpop and I had watching him!

KFC for lunch

After our trip to town the boys help Grandpop unload gas for the mowers and feed.

Special moves when getting the mail

Jake enjoying patio time

Mat's stroll through the breezeway

The terrier shoes Buttercup

Lunch with Uncle Jerry

What special young men these two are!  They are loving, kind, helpful, considerate and willing to attempt new things.  Grandpop and I had such fun and enjoyment with them.  How blessed we are!!

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