Friday, June 13, 2014

The Girls on the Farm

It was the girls' turn to stay on the farm.
After their parents and brothers left, we took Jett to meet his Grandparents at the lake, then off we went to Grandpop's horse show for May.

 Grandpop's first ride was just ready to begin when we arrived.

After his two rides, it was time to "disrobe" Buttercup and head home.
Everyone pitched in to help.

McKaylea rode back with Grandpop and Emma rode with me.

After arriving home, it was time to feed and water Buttercup.

Emma cleaned out the horse trailer.

 McKaylea with Boots

Pizza was our lunch.

The girls enjoyed ice cream sandwiches for dessert.

 After we rested, the girls began on their first sewing project, a pillow shaped with the first letter of their names.  We read directions and checked out what to do before we cut out the pattern.

Time for chores

Of course, fun time took place after chores were done.
Emma on the swing

McKaylea brushing Buttercup

Jumping on the hay bales

Riding in the back of the pick-up

Visiting with Grammy

Craft time

 A busy and fun first day on the farm.  
How sweet the girls are!!

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